The seed for a better and sustainable future
Beej or popularly known as seed signifies the beginning of a beautiful growing plant. With the initiative to create a balance between green covers and infrastructure development on Earth, our products are nothing but a way to create that balance. We aim at inspiring people to transform their purchases from mindless consumption into conscious decisions that are eco-friendly and sustainable. The Terra Co. is involved in picking up the element from our daily life and creating our story from beej around it. This is our way of giving back to nature.
The Terra Co. has come up with an amazing initiative to give your beautiful memories a way to stay forever. The Beej Rakhi is an eco-friendly “dhaga”- an option of planting it in your garden.

Beej Ghee Batti: A symbol of purity is an aroma and essence of blessing. These Ghee Batti’s on burning purifies the air and let go of all the negativity.